Monday, January 13, 2014

Eat More to Weigh Less?

Sounds too good to be true, right? When you look at food more as fuel, and focus on not just calories, but also the nutrients you're getting from indulging in certain foods, you'll find you can feel fuller, eating more of what's good for you and recognizing many sweets and treats as the empty calories they are.

The holidays have wound down but somehow my sweet tooth is still around! Unfortunately all those holiday Hershey's Chocolate Kisses that seemed like a great idea before our Christmas party are still around, and are a kiss of death for my diet plan.

No joke they're everywhere. They're in the pantry, seemingly the perfect thing to grab when I want something to eat but not too heavy. They're on the kitchen counter, so I can casually eat a few while making dinner... or lunch... or breakfast. Shameless. They're on the table next to the couch in the family room, so I can mindlessly snack as I watch TV.

An easy solution right? Toss them out? Have the husband take them to work with them? Put them in a secret drawer? Problem is, I don't want to admit defeat. Just because it's Hershey's Kisses today, tomorrow it's cookies I made, or a cake my mother-in-law drops off, or something! So my real question is, how do I curb the sweet tooth?

I posed this question to Shape Magazine last week, when they were have a Twitter conversation with Elizabeth Ward, a dietitian and writer for Men's Fitness.

More protein! But that got me thinking about a bigger issue for me, at least, which is eating enough during meals and snacks period. When I "diet," (if you can call any of my couple days' attempts dieting), I jump in with both feet. I find myself attempting extreme diets, limiting my calories and inevitably, failing withing a few days. Something isn't working.

So, it's time to attempt a different diet approach. I'm going to focus more on having a fully defined meal each time. Rather than eating a little yogurt here so I can have an excuse to grab some chips later and maybe some cookies later on, I'm going to take the time to prepare a meal with all of the nutrition and calories I need. Here goes nothing... 

For your viewing pleasure, today's lunch: Tuna sandwich with celery, carrots and Special K Chips

Friday, January 10, 2014

Book Review: Born to Run

I finally got around to reading Christopher McDougall's "Born to Run!" It was fascinating, and I really think now, as I'm getting more serious about running, was the right time for me to read it.

The book is truly inspirational and centers around a common topic any runner has pondered: Why does my foot hurt? This leads to a quest to find the remarkable Tarahumara Indians in Mexico, the world's greatest distance runner, tales of (what I'd consider) super-human feats, and the conclusion: everything we're doing to become better runners is ruining us.

For a girl who has often scoffed at people running around in Five Finger Shoes while rocking my Asics with built-in arch support to prevent shin splints and other injuries, this came as a shock. But as I sat there curled up with this book, I found myself wishing it were warm enough for me to give this a try: running in grass three times a week to strengthen the muscles in my feet. Sounds crazy, but after this book, it seems worth a try.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a true believer just yet. I went to my local running store, Fleet Feet Sports, and had them run me through different tests to find the best shoes for me, settling on the Brooks Ravenna 4. But I'll consider incorporating some of the minimalist theories into my training plan.

There were so many quotes in this book that hit home with me, but one of them really rang true. As the author is lined up, about to embark on a 50 mile race through Tarahumara wilderness, his friend says to him, "Look, I got some bad news. You're not going to win. No matter what you do, you're going to be out there all day. So you might as well just relax, take your time, and enjoy it."

For too long, I didn't bother with road races, knowing that I wasn't going to be the fastest. I knew I didn't stand a chance, so I focused my energies elsewhere - giving up track and cross country for field hockey, soccer and lacrosse, where speed and endurance were just one tool in your arsenal.

It was just in the last two years that I've found my love of running. It sounds simple, but once you find your "forever pace," you can let go, enjoy the run and take pride in finishing the race. There's a certain freedom I've discovered by focusing on this. Dropping comparisons to others, and knowing that I'm better than when I started. Alright, I have to include another quote that goes right along with that idea...

"They were expected to accomplish nothing, so they could try anything. Audacity beckoned."

"Born to Run" is a must-read book for people in any stage of their running journey. You won't regret it!

Monday, January 6, 2014

New Year, New Resolutions, New Commitment

Well, my first attempt at launching the blog was a bit lackluster. I won't say failure, because I'm back and ready to relaunch.

Things missed in the past couple months - I ran two half marathons. One in Connecticut that I trained like crazy for, and one in Chicago that I... did not train as much for. And it showed. I was feeling good until mile 8, pushed through to mile 10, and then dragged till the finish line. But, I stayed under two hours (1:54) and finished, so I'll take it. Lesson learned as far as training though.

We bought our first home and moved in in November. The scale is already showing the effects of my cooking habits and my lack of a gym, so I'm ready to change that. I've been shopping around gyms, trying to find the right one that's close enough that I don't have any excuse not to go, and has the right combination of classes and machines. And of course, comes at the right price!

Meanwhile, I'll also be experimenting with some new healthy recipes, that are hopefully tasty too! I'll share those on here, but get ready - I've already had a few kitchen mishaps, including "purple chicken" and "pasta mush." Never a dull day in the kitchen with Katie!

Anyways, just a quick post to say I'm going to be back at it!