Monday, January 6, 2014

New Year, New Resolutions, New Commitment

Well, my first attempt at launching the blog was a bit lackluster. I won't say failure, because I'm back and ready to relaunch.

Things missed in the past couple months - I ran two half marathons. One in Connecticut that I trained like crazy for, and one in Chicago that I... did not train as much for. And it showed. I was feeling good until mile 8, pushed through to mile 10, and then dragged till the finish line. But, I stayed under two hours (1:54) and finished, so I'll take it. Lesson learned as far as training though.

We bought our first home and moved in in November. The scale is already showing the effects of my cooking habits and my lack of a gym, so I'm ready to change that. I've been shopping around gyms, trying to find the right one that's close enough that I don't have any excuse not to go, and has the right combination of classes and machines. And of course, comes at the right price!

Meanwhile, I'll also be experimenting with some new healthy recipes, that are hopefully tasty too! I'll share those on here, but get ready - I've already had a few kitchen mishaps, including "purple chicken" and "pasta mush." Never a dull day in the kitchen with Katie!

Anyways, just a quick post to say I'm going to be back at it!

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