Friday, March 7, 2014

Figuring it all out

There are only a few blogs I am really committed to following (read: a few blogs that I remember to visit again). When I think about what these blogs have in common, it's that the authors have it all figured it out. Whether writing about running, cooking healthy, or fashion, they know exactly what works for them and share those experiences with others.

So I'm kind of wondering what I'm doing writing a blog.

I definitely don't have it all figured it out. I'm nowhere near my dream body right now, still trying to conquer my sweet tooth and commit to regular exercise. I'm no crossfit-convert or ridiculously flexible yogi (is that even what you call someone who does yoga?), and while I like to think of myself as a runner, my track record and lack of marathon experience might beg to differ.

Why I am doing it? Well, for two reasons. First, so many blogs I read document amazing results - a picture of a woman once pushing 200 pounds who is now nearly unrecognizable at a healthy, thin weight. But you rarely get to see the process - the weight is already lost, the lifestyle changes have already been made, the problem has been conquered. While these stories inspire me, I think seeing the process is important - like the monthly check-ins you see magazines do. They establish camaraderie, and help show you what sort of results are possible month by month. 

Second, a more selfish reason, I want to hold myself accountable. Sure, I don't really know that anyone will see this, but it's possible they will - and so I have to keep going! In the past, I've worked toward a certain event, like a race, and then completely fallen off my fitness goals, or everything is going well until that week-long work trip and suddenly I'm full of excuses when I get home. I know it's not healthy for my weight to keep fluctuating, even if just a few pounds now, as I get older, it's just going to get worse. I'm trying to establish this habit now - stay accountable to the blog. 

So here goes. I hope you'll follow along and share with your friends! I need the encouragement!

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