Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Gearing up

I took the plunge and ordered some running gear this weekend! I went with Ultimate Direction's Jurek Endure hydration belt and then ordered some basic flavors of Nuun. My next run isn't till Friday morning, so I'm looking forward to it!

It's week 4 of training for the Hartford Marathon. Things are going well, but I think I need to adjust some of my training. Right now I run five days a week and do strength training three days a week, meaning I have one day (Tuesday) where I lift before work and run after, and my two rest days from running are devoted to lifting. My legs have been feeling tired and maybe I need to change it up and take a full day no working out, or maybe my body is just still getting used to this routine. A part of me wants to just wait and see, but also don't want to be stupid considering I have 16 weeks of training to go.

Ten mile run scheduled this Saturday and I'm excited for it! I can't believe it's four weeks in and I'll be up to ten miles already. I get caught up sometimes thinking about how far 26.2 miles really is, how am I going to be able to run for 4+ hours straight, and need to keep reminding myself of this Nick Saban quote.

Focus on the process of what it takes to be successful. 

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